Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Busy Two Weeks

We have had a busy but wonderful two weeks. Ben came and worked so hard to improve the kitchen without being asked he set about with finding materials in the garage to finish the cabinetry to cover the pipe from the big stove vent. I was amazed at the great job he did. We had our first day in the temple and immediately headed up to Cooper's baptism. Sorry I didn't get a picture of it. Perhaps Jeanne got pictures.
We stopped by way of the Greenhorn Guest Ranch and spent the night. I got a couple great new recipes for desserts while at Jeannes. We will try them at Thanksgiving. We got home and have been working a bit with our wonderful missionaries. We are so glad to have them here as we are ward missionaries and can't keep up with all the follow up visits. While in the Celestial room of the temple, by myself waiting to help people who came through the veil, I opened the Doctrine and Covenants section 3 and my eyes rested one these verses: Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation. You shall declare the things which have been revealed to my servant, Joseph Smith, Jun. You shall begin to preach from this time forth, yea, to reap in the field which is white already to be burned. It made me happy since most of the family has expressed the thought that we should serve a mission. Perhaps you can be called by the Lord and not by the leaders. We also get to work in the temple, work on our financial portfolio, and be there when our children need us.
We are so glad we are not that far away and have been making lots of plans for Thanksgiving. We can't wait to see so many of you and will certainly miss Marae and Ben, Kirsten & Mussie's family, and Jeanne and the girls. I'm sure they will have a nice time. We're glad jon & Rachel, Liz and Ryan and Bret & Micheline will be here.
We did have a baptism last week. We found him and the elders taught him. We give new member lessons to him and his wife who is already a member.
This weekend we attended a Rich Dad educational seminar in Reno. It was very informative and showed us how to prosper from the down market.I never cared to have money but know it is necessary for the future plans. We stayed with the Faveros and David and Larisa got to see the production Nick and Bella and Juliet were in. The King and I. I got to take care of the 3 Little ones so Larisa could go. She isn't allowed to get a baby sitter for them besides myself or Nick. Carson City is rated very high for the arts. People come from Northern California to see the performances.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Free Apples

When we were out making visits for the church we came upon this sign Free Apples. We asked if we could pick from their several trees. We got enough apples to make pie filling and sauce and give a lot away. We also made new friends and talked with them till dark. David had some reloading equipment that was left in the garage that he shared with them. The bullets fit his gun and he was happy. It was bits and pieces left in the garage. Our Idaho neighbor haad taught us to keep the apples a couple weeks till they almost get wrinkly before making applesauce. You add no sugar and they are so good. I use the Victoria Strainer and it goes so fast.

Surgery went well

The hysterectomy is over and all went well. The Carson City doctor was phenominal. He even asked if he could pray with us twice. We hit it off when he said his family went door to door campaigning for Sarah Palin. Of course since her dad was such a wonderful teacher for Kirsten in 5th grade we held her in high esteem and after hearing her talk. You could tell by their faces that they were awed that their daughter would make it so far on the politcal campaign trail. Miracles never cease to exist. Ben asked me to send pictures of the yard since we finished. Your dad picked a wheel barrel full of watermelon when he got work it may freeze. Now we're not sure how to keep it. Ben made a great drink with watermelon juice and lime juice if I remember right. We may try to freeze a bit of it that way and give away the rest. Your dad is taking good care of me but I felt well enough 3 days later to can zuchini, onions, garlic, tomatoe and crooknecked all together. It is good. Ben asked for pictures of the yard. I'll try to upload them. He did a great job on the sidewalk. We love it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Canned Meat

This year I have canned a variety of meat. Pork, chicken, beef loin strips, hamburger and sausage. It has been nice just going to the pantry and getting a bottle all precooked. I highly recommend it to anyone. Liz is canning meat and Rachel got a pressure canner and is going to do elk. Jon got his elk with a bow this year. I love getting a great sale on meat and putting it in jars. Chicken was
$1.39 and pork $.99.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grandmas Letters Inspired Me

While visiting mother I read some of my grandmother Meacham's letters which she had faithfully kept all these years. It was very enjoyable. Since I don't write letters I thought this may be a good way to keep in touch and Ben is always getting after me for not blogging.

We just got back from an event filled 2 weeks. We took Craig to Great basin national park and explored the Lehman caves in Nevada. We next went to Utah and stayed a bit with Liz and Ryan and then to Draper to get ready for Marae and Ryan's wedding and luncheon for close friends and relatives. After the lovely wedding and luncheon athey left to catch a plane to spend their honeymoon in New Hampshire in the exra home of grandparents from Maine. They are staying with Ben's grandfather in Highland, Utah for a couple weeks before they go to London for Ben's master program in Mid Eastern studies I believe.
Friday, we had a picnic at Ryan and Liz's moms in Benjamin, utah. The children had a great time in their yard with water slides, baseball, toys, sand box, horses, etc. We do appreciate her kindness in letting us enjoy it. Jaxson asked when we were going to Davey's grandmother's again. We then hurried up to the mountains for a hike to a waterfall and pool the children played in. The weather was perfect. Then to Liz and Ryans for supper. It was delicious.

Saturday we went to Lagoon to spend the whole day together. It was fun to run into my Cousin Joyce and Thale Ostler and visit with them a bit. Also we got to spend time with Tommy our newest 1 month old baby grandson.

Church was attended in Draper and Monday after helping Liz learn how to can green beans and Chicken and meat we headed for Zions National Park to camp. It was lovely and peaceful. Then on to Micheline and Brets for the weekend. We got to attend Lindseys baptism and then went to the lake to meet her cousins family and Barben grandparents who had attended her cousins baptism in Cedar City athe same day. After church Sunday we went to grandmother Meachams and were able to get her computer set up that her hometeacher had so graciously given her. After supper I went through her genealogy and enjoyed that. Monday we met Ben for lunch at Sizzlers to use up the coupons Liz gave her dad. We enjoyed seeing him before we took Craig to BYU Idaho. We were happy to meet his nice roomates.