Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Rules_ Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let them know you've answered the questions on their blog.
strong>5 things I've done in the past 10 years
1. Got caught in the Atlanta, Georgia airport when the whole airport was evacuated for a false alarm after 9/11. It was so fun and nothing exciting like that happens here.
2. Sent 4 boys and 1 girl on a mission and attended 3 temple marriages for our kids.
3. Organized a high school reunion and quite a few family reunions.
4. Found dates and places for most families in the Doak book so the families could have work done in the temple and sealed together.
5. Remodeled or finished 4 houses, contracted one to be built and had an old dream house moved and moved into most of them.

5 things I wish I could do today!

1. See all the family.
2. Bring many people to my knowledge of Christ and the many miraculous happenings in my life that are way too numerous to mention a hundredth part.
3. Get a confirmation about what is right for us to do and all the family in the coming year.
4. Spend more time with my wonderful mother.
5. Let everyone know of their great worth and how much they are loved by a loving Father in Heaven.

5 foods I wouldn't live without.

1. Desserts
2. Cucumbers and other vegetables
3. Raw milk
4. Nuts
5. Plucots (my newest favorite fruit) Plums and apricots crossed.

5 things I'd do if I were a milionaire.
1. Finish my dream of energy efficient, affordable, attractive classic homes
2. Have a guest park where guests could view gardens, orchards, and farm animals. Musicals and entertainment would be mostly done by desendants of AA Doak and Emma Elizabeth Howard. Lodging and meals could be available for those wanting to remember the OLD West.
A shop where gifts, fresh vegetables in season, homemade old fashioned candies and cookies could be sold as well handmade articles made from natural fabrics woul be on the premise. Trail riding and perhaps wagon riding would be available.
3. Make sure all our relatives have what they need.
4.Visit lots of family history sights and probably Ireland.
5.Get a horse trailer and get all the horses well trained for riding.

5 places I have lived.

1. Idaho
2. Alaska
3. Washington
4. Kentucky
5. Wyoming

5 people I tag I didn't know who would want to do this but if you read this and will take time to do it you are tagged from me. I wanted to tag Jenny but don't know if you want to do this. If you are too busy and have been tagged it's fine not to do it. Do I ever understand.

1. Elise Lindsey
2. Trudy Meacham
3. Natalie Meacham
4. Kylee Bills
5. Ben Lindsey


Lizzylou said...

Wow Mom, you have a lot to be proud of. You have done some great things in the last 10 years!

Elise said...

You have a really great life! That is really something to be proud and content with. I cannot wait to see you in a little while.
Ben is sitting here watching me type and sends his love.